Faculty Practice Nurse-Midwifery and Primary Care for Women
Contact Vanderbilt Nurse-Midwifery & Primary Care for Women

We hope you'll find these resources informative and helpful.

Please call either clinic if you have questions or need more information. We are here for you and we'd love to talk with you!

Tips to help you prepare for and plan your primary care visit and your well-woman health

The North American Menopause Society
- Evidence-based guidance for midlife women experiencing menopause
American Sexual Health Association
- The website for America’s nonprofit authority for sexual health information
Planned Parenthood
- A web glossary of contraceptive methods with their risks and information
My Southern Health
- Vanderbilt's online newsletter about health topics and services, many relevant to women and parents, some articles written by our faculty
Tips for Your Visit
- Tips to help you prepare for and plan a primary care visit

Tips to help you prepare for and plan your pregnancy and birth

Childbirth Connection
- Information, tools and resources to help women become active members of the maternity care team
Evidence Based Birth
- Presents current evidence in obstetrics to help families make informed decisions
International Cesarean Awareness Network
- A national and local organization that works to reduce preventable cesareans, support cesarean recovery, and advocate for vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC)
March of Dimes
- A national organization devoted to healthy pregnancies and term births
Spinning Babies
- Exercises and positioning for the mother that will encourage baby into the best position for easier and faster birth
Our Bodies Ourselves
- Easy to read evidence and personal testimonies to help women make decisions about pregnancy/birth
Mother to Baby Medications and More
- Information about the safety and risks of taking various medications during pregnancy and lactation, offers live chat with experts

Home Monitoring Kit Instructions (English)

How to use and troubleshoot your blood pressure cuff and fetal heart rate doppler.

Finding Fetal Heart Tones/Como encontrar el latido de corazón del bebe

Tips and Tricks for using the Doppler to find your Baby’s heartbeat.
Consejos y trucos sobre el uso del doppler para encontrar el latido de su bebe.

La Leche League
- A national organization for breastfeeding support, offers local resouces for nursing mothers
Kelly Mom
- An online database of practical information for breastfeeding mothers
Postpartum Support International
- Online resources, a national hotline, and links to direct peer support for families experiencing postpartum depression
American Academy of Pediatrics
- The latest recommendations on circumcision, immunizations, and other important information for expectant parents

Compassionate Friends
- A national organization offering online resources and local support after the death of a child
Sharing of Middle Tennessee
- The online home of a local support group for parents who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant loss
Share March of Dimes
- An online community for those who have experienced preterm birth, birth defects, or loss